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What's new in Think GIS version 4.36 (2016)
•Feature forms can now be customized with tabs
•A new setup screen makes it easier to setup complex auto area search results.
•More on-screen legend options
•Support has been added for Indiana's new INGCS projections
•GPS support for NMEA 4.0 added
•Improved water shed calculation
•Better support for dates
•Trace Out Tool : Use this tool to check the connectivity of any polyline based network or do up and downstream flow analysis on utility layers.
•Flow Isolation: Use this tool to quickly determine which valves need closed on the utility layer in order to isolate a certain point.
•Topology Enforcement: Use the new topology rules to enforce certain geometry rules on special layers for the purpose of maintaining proper connectivity.
•Watershed Calculation: Use this tool to calculate the area of a water shed based on elevation data
•Watershed Assessment: Reports a list of parcels in a certain watershed.
•Heat Maps: The heat map capabilities of Think GIS have been greatly improved with more options.
•Preferred Communities: A list of communities may now be specified that should be favored over others when doing address, intersection, and place name lookups.
•Floating Menus: New tools are available to help users customize Think GIS menu. This includes the use of custom menus that float on top the map as well as more screens to automate the process of building command buttons and scripts.
•AVL Auto Login: Think GIS may now be configured to automatically login to AVL or Event server so that logins are not needed with each start up.
•Event Clutter: A new option called "Reduce Icons" causes event icons to automatically reduce in size when zoomed out.
•New Commands: The DumpAVL command can be used for advanced troubleshooting of avl and event server connectivity.
•Soil Report: Think GIS now creates batch soil reports for use with XSoft assessment software.
•Address Point Order Visualizer: This tool has been around for a while but has just been documented for the first time.
What's new in Think GIS version 4.32 (2013)
•Easier Toolbar customizations and more modern buttons. See Menu tab in Workstation Settings to upgrade the look of Think GIS.
•Search Suggestions are now displayed when typing a location in the search box. These are highly customizable.
•New GPS Track Log and Waypoint recording
•More functionality related to using Think GIS with Event Manager
oUsers can now draw multiple icons, lines, and areas as part of the same event
oUsers can now draw up to 120 vertexes of geometry per event (was 20)
oMore scheduling options are available
oThink GIS can play an alert sound to all viewers whenever a new event is added. See the Event Source setup screen.
oThink GIS is smarter in how it refreshes the events on the screen. This significantly reduces the blinking or flickering previously encountered.
oA more extensive web based library of icons is available for use when adding new events.
•Users can now use any PNG, JPG, or BMP file as a symbol in the map. These symbols can be loaded from file or selected from a new web library browsable directly from Think GIS.
•More integration with WTH's web library
oSymbols used for layer or classification can be selected from web library.
oEntire symbol library files can be downloaded from web library to the local computer.
oWhen creating a new Event Manager event, users can browse icons from web library
oWhen creating a new layer, users can browse layer templates from the web library.
•Users can now rotate text added to print layouts.
•Users can now import and export KML and KMZ files
•Users can use <= or >= when searching a layer.
•When a user Reclassifies a layer setting Think GIS will now re-use the colors and other attributes that had been previously setup.
•When using auto labeling with highway shields, users can now specify an auto label display scale for shielded labels different from the display scale for non-shielded labels. See the Auto Labeling and Text Properties screens in layer settings.
•The feature form, which is displayed when adding or editing a feature, now displays a picture of the display attribute next to any field that is classified. Clicking this picture button displays a list of all classifications for that field acting as a graphical pick list for selecting a value for the field.
•When importing labels from a SHP file, users now have the option is specifying the insertion point of the text.
•A new Cleanup Area Geometry tool has been added to the Cleanup and Conversion menu. This will detect and fix abnormal geometry conditions. The SHP export tool now automatically runs this tool when exporting SHP files.
•US National Grid coordinates are displayed now when users get coordinates for a point on the map. Users can also add a field to a layer that automatically calculates USNG coordinates.
•On screen legends now supported by more display attribute combinations
•Improved support for AVL
oAVL and Event icons now print in Think GIS printouts
oPNG images are now supported for AVL icons
oImproved screen refresh times when tracking large fleets
What's new in Think GIS version 4.30 (2012)
•Improved support for Digital Elevation Models (DEM).
•New drainage shed calculation tool for determining the drainage shed area of any down stream point based on DEM data.
•New Legal Drain Assessment Report for listing all parcels in the water shed of a legal drain.
•Improved Symbol Editor is now larger making it easier to create new symbols.
•New Layer Settings including double line style, Vertical alignment of auto labels, Invisible line style, and highway shield labeling.
•New AVL Setup Screen designed to be easier to use especially for departments monitoring large numbers of vehicles and events separated into various groups on different servers.
•The Information Window can now be printed. Use the "Print Info Window" checkbox on Print Setup screen.
•Open Side Map added to view menu.
•High resolution printing now supports translucency.
•Printing to file now supports low and high resolution output.
•User's can now define their own default print layout. See Layout Management
•Users can now control label format using the text column of the Layer Settings screen. Previously this required an Editor license and the format was stored in the tml file. Now anyone can customize the label format in their personal map file.
•Users can now import GPS waypoints from a GPX file.
•Users can now view ECW image files.
•Added button to Information window giving users more control over what feature are tracked by GPS Auto Pan.
What's new in Think GIS version 4.26 (2011)
•Added support for LIDAR data including shaded relief display and ability to query the elevation of any point on the map. Contact WTH for more information.
•Click on new AVL or GPS status lights at bottom of screen to help troubleshoot connection issues.
•Image Opacity can now be adjusted in Layer Settings
•Added button to Information Window to recall previous lookups.
•New AVL option lets users track a single vehicle in its own separate window while continuing to use the main map for other things. Just click on any unit on the main display and choose "Track Unit".
•AVL will now work even when multiple instances of Think GIS are running
•Layer fields containing Hyperlinks are now displayed as links when users click on a feature on the map.
What's new in Think GIS version 4.26 (2010)
•The new Search Box on the main toolbar makes it easier to lookup addresses, intersections, and anything else on the map.
•Dozens of popup windows have been consolidated into a common Information Window displayed on the left portion of the screen. The added space has made room for more detailed and easier to navigate information. Users no longer have to close the popup window to continue working. And a back button makes it easier to work with search results.
•Users can now view live weather radar and other web based images. The Editor version is required to create a radar layer. Radar layers can be viewed by editors or viewers.
•Batch Printing: The Pick Feature button on the print setup window now lets users select a set of features and create a custom formatted printout for each one.
•An on-screen legend can now be displayed for fill color classifications
•Designed for use on the big monitor in dispatch centers, Think GIS can now be configured to always stay at max view even when it locates addresses.
•New commands added including ImportCSV and ListNearestFeatures
•Map editors will appreciate the new Path Mode used in line and area drawing
•New options and more documentation for Soil Report. Added South Carolina report.
•Many advances in address lookup logic including the ability to lookup a specific apartment number without having to pick from a list.
The following is new in Think GIS version 4.22 (2009)
•Enhanced Layer Settings: Several new display options have been added including:
oTurn entire groups On or Off
oCustom Line Styles
oFont options including shading
oUp to Four Global Links
oData Directory now definable in Map file.
oMany more columns added to make all layer properties accessible from one place
•A new map file format is used. See TGM vs TMA.
•Save As added to File menu allowing users to more easily create different maps of data for different applications.
•Raster Image Rubber Sheeting added. Added support for JPEG and JPEG2000 images.
•New Address finding option can automatically popup any contents of "Comment" field of address point layer.
•The number of custom buttons users can add to tool bar is now 12.
•The function key setup screen now displays existing function key assignments.
•Printing: More options for selecting print scale, Pick Feature option added, Ability to save map area with layout, removed print to email option.
•New Commands: Find, OpenFile, PickPoint, WriteUdp
•Enhancements made to Address Point and Address Range checking tools
•Feature Form can be printed to image file.
•Layer Format: New 'Nearest Feature' field type, New 'Query Type' and 'Display Len' properties added to Link type fields.
•PRJ file now created when exporting shapefiles.
•When placing labels on the map, users can now automatically align them with existing polylines.
The following is new in Think GIS version 4.20 (2007)
•Users can now customize printouts with map inserts, red-lining, callouts, and more using the improved what-you-see-is-what-you-get print preview. Users can also print directly to a TIF file or email.
•Garmin USB gps devices are now supported. No longer any need for those Serial To USB adapters.
•Improved Symbol Library allows users to browse multiple symbol files. Several road signs and hazmat symbol libraries are included.
•Address Lookups are much smarter now. A new hard coded list of alias rules allows Think GIS to try hundreds of variations to the address being searched for. WARNING: Setting up an alias list automatically disables Think GIS's internal aliasing. So if an alias list already exists, try removing it to see if results improve.
•Improved Auto Labeling. Congested areas have always been hard to read when autolabels overlap each other. This doesn't happen now. There may be a few missing labels on the screen but users only need to zoom in a little further to see them.
•New field types: The new 'Calculated Expression' field type lets users enter a formula for generating a value based on other fields. The new 'Double' field type lets users enter high precision decimal numbers. And the new 'Decimal places' property lets users control how many digits are displayed after the decimal place.
•The new Report Overlapping Areas tool is great for checking layers for adjacent areas that overlap each other.
•The new Split Feature tool automates the process of breaking an address range polyline into two separate features. This tool is also designed to work with utility type layers such as water, sewer, or any polyline based inventory layers.
•Several improvements have been made to the Soil Report including a new setup screen and batch reporting.
•Several enhancements to the AVL (Automatic Vehicle Locating) functionality within Think GIS have been made including faster-more direct connections to the AVL server and the ability for adjacent agencies to share live AVL feeds.
The following is new in Think GIS version 4.18 (2006)
•A new field type called Calculated Coordinates automatically calculates and displays the coordinates of a features centroid.
•The new Import Text menu item replaces the old Import Addresses and Import Points. This enhanced tool can import all text fields and provides greater flexibility in source file layout.
•Users can use Ctrl-C to copy highlighted rows in the index to the clipboard and past them into Excel or any other document.
•The Auto Area Search feature has been enhanced providing more control over how the results are displayed.
•Tiled Tiff background images are now supported
•The New Address Wizard now has the ability to work off of address range layers and prompts user to select destination address layer when multiple address point layers exist on the map.
•The new PickRun command can be used in global links to link to a list of similar documents
•Quarter-Quarter Section corner generator tool added
•List Distinct Field Values added to Reporting menu
•New ImageMargins parameter can be added to image layer's Advanced Layer Settings to control the removal of margins in MrSid imagery.
•Enhancements made to ListNearbyFeatures and Route commands
•Standard popup window messages now center on Think GIS form rather than center of desktop. User's that run dual monitor's should appreciate this.
•New Layer File Name Prefix parameter in Map Settings screen.
The following is new in Think GIS version 4.16 (2005)
•Users can now link a layer to an external database to display live data directly in the Think GIS index and feature form.
•Point to point routing functionality has been added in the form of the new Calculate Best Route tool found on the Lookup menu.
•Added support for MrSid Generation 3 files
•New geometry Conform Tool added to automate the process of aligning one set of geometry with another.
•Draw Circle tool added.
•More option are now available for defining curves in property descriptions.
•New reporting tools added to help check address layers for errors.
•ID Area tool now displays more details
•Offset tool enhanced to allow the offset of a series of polylines rather than one at a time.
•Relative Path's topic added to help file to explain the importance of using path variables in Think GIS.
The following is new in Think GIS version 4.14 (2004)
•Users can now group layers into Layer Categories to help manage layers.
•A new printing option called Select bounding feature lets users print only the portion of the map that is inside a boundary such as a city limits.
•Users can now export data to Excel and then re-import it after making changes.
•Layer Metadata provides a place to store information about layers.
•Combine text and area searching by using one of the refine search options on the search results screen.
•Export Waypoints and track log TO a Garmin GPS unit.
•Limit address lookups to only certain layers on a regional map using the AddressLayerFilter setting under map settings.
•The GPS Auto-Pan option on the GPS setup screen will now automatically zoom closer and closer as the tracked unit approaches the destination. GPS location on the map also now has a small arrow indicating the travel direction.
•In addition to looking up Lat/Lon coordinates, users can now lookup coordinates from any projection.
•If multiple entities are on top of each other, Think GIS now displays a popup list to choose from when trying to select one of these entities on the screen.
•Users can now drag a layer file from windows explorer and drop it on the map display and Think GIS will add it to the map.
•Advanced Layer Settings can now be viewed even if the layer is not locked.
•When color coding features by range, smarter default grouping and color assignment is used.
•Assessment reports: added exempt land to brief soil report and corrected assessment of Classified land.
•Think GIS now informs Users of any recently downloaded layer files that are available for adding to the map.
•Auto Area Search Results works on multiple layers now
•Time and Date field types enhanced. Users can also search by a range of dates now.
•ListNearbyFeatures command added to help automate the "List Features within distance of another Feature" tool.
•New Advanced tools: convert polylines to areas, readdressing tool, ImportDXFFileUsing, New Feature + Symbol + Line
The following was new in Think GIS version 4.12 (2004)
•The New Address Wizard simplifies the task of assigning new addresses
•Users can now assign different symbols to different features on the same layer
•A "fence" selection method has been added to several of the editing tools
•Think GIS will now automatically label property dimension when using the Bearing and Distance form.
•Users can now specify distances in rods, chains, and links on Bearing and Distance screen.
•More complex symbols can now be drawn or imported.
•Symbols can now be created by importing geometry already drawn on map.
•Think GIS can now display a wider variety of TIFF images including compressed images.
•Ability to Find a Vehicle added to Lookup menu when AVL is enabled.
•Alternate Parcel Assessment Report format added.
•Several advanced editing tools added including Dedangler, Cleanup Overlapping Areas, and Point Address VS MSAG comparison report.
•Label option added to FindXY command
The following was new in Think GIS version 4.11 (2003)
•Users can now enter Bearing and Distance calls in a list format
•New Birds Eye feature shows Max View insert
•Users can now add Shapefiles to the map just as layers are added.
•GPS interface can now log the path directly to a layer.
•Many Symbol library enhancements including bitmaps, and merging libraries.
•Map coordinates are now displayed as users move mouse the mouse around the map
•Auto Save feature makes regular backups of files while editing.
•Users can now dynamically pan by clicking and dragging right mouse button
•Custom Think GIS add-on tools can be added to menu using Tools directory.
•Press F4 to return to previous search results.
•When modifying search, search window is now auto-filled with previous search criteria.
•Users can now Log Addresses not found on map
•Recently opened maps are now listed on File menu
•Short and Long label formats are more flexible.
•Users can now protect private information by requiring a password to even view a layer.
•NewFeatureWizard command helps automate some advanced editing procedures.
The following was new in Think GIS version 4.10 (2003)
•Workstation Settings (Setup menu) now replaces need for editing ini file
•Print Preview option added to print window
•Index can be expanded for full screen viewing and editing
•Index now allows selection of multiple features
•Users can now customize print layout with Text Graphics and other options.
•Improved print layout management with new Save and Load buttons.
•Improved printing for large feature forms.
•Line styles are now compatible with all printers and displays
•Remembered Layer settings now recalls all layer settings rather than just visibility
•Area Search results and other misc lists can now be printed
•Raster Images can now be re-plotted using the move tool
•Field types "Calculated Length" and "Calculated Area" no longer require cryptic field names
•New "Area Search Results" field type
•New/improved tm4dll functions: DelEntity,FindAddress,GetEntity,UpdateEntity (see tm4dll.doc)
•New Commands: SetAtts, SetCC, SetRecordFilter
•And many more improvements...
The following was new in Think GIS version 4.09 (2003)
•Help File
•Sort Index by any column
•AutoAreaSearchLayer parameter added. Automatically displays area search results when looking up addresses.
•AVL modules created
•Work Order module created
•DXF Import now imports attributed blocks
•Add multiple files at once when adding existing layers to map.
•Users can now select parcel on screen rather than from list when doing an agricultural assessment
•Deflection option added to Bearing and Distance
•Build Area tool ignores trash geometry inside
•Autonumber field type added
•Scale/Rotate functionality added to move tool.
•Auto labeling smarter
•Can now declare buttons in advanced layer settings (in addition to ini file)
•Number of custom buttons increased to 8 from 5
•Print button added to feature form
•Text graphic in form designer can now contain field names
•Copyright notice functionality added
•Can now print (export) index and search results to excel
•Automatically warns of non-recommended print settings
•PrintScales parameter added
•New Ftr+ Rename Ent tool added
•Delete button added to symbol library
•Parse address command improved
•Now prompts for alternate save location when layer files are no longer accessible.
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