



The Map Index should become one of the most familiar places in Think GIS since it is the starting points for most inquiries. From here, users can browse the contents of any layer, find out where anything is located on the map, or even search for a set of features matching a complex search criteria.


To Find a Feature:

1) Select Find Feature from the Lookup menu or click the  button.

2) Select a layer from the list on the left.

3) Type the first few letters of the feature name to automatically scroll to it in the Feature list on the right.

4) Then press Enter or click the Locate button.


Click on the interactive image below for more information.




While typing, the Feature list automatically scrolls to find a matching Feature. The text typed appears to the left of the Edit Text Check Box. Example above: BRADLEY CT



Columns may be sorted by clicking on the field name at the top. One click will order a column from A-Z/Low-to-High, clicking again will order it from Z-A/High-to-Low.

The first column with no field name at the top may contain data. Clicking at the top of this column will sort by that data, if it exists in the layer.

o!=Feature contains Local Feature Link(s)

o$=Feature contains Web Feature Link(s)

o*=Feature does not have an entity on the map




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