Identify Area




Point to any location on the map and this tool will list any bounding Features that contain that point. Depending on what layers are on the map, this could report the school district, tax district, fire department, city, zoning, voting precinct, or any other Feature that is represented on the map with an Area Entity.


To Identify the Areas Around a Point:

1) Click the  button or select Identify Area from the Lookup menu.

2) Point the cursor to any location on the map.

3) Click the left mouse button.

4) Results will display in the Information Window, as shown in the graphic below.

5) Mousing over a Feature Name in the list will highlight the boundary on the map.

6) Clicking on the map again will display new results for that point.

7) When finished picking points press the Esc key or click right mouse button to exit this tool and return to the normal mouse pointer.





See also Area Search Results field type for another way of automatically determining bounding feature information.

Users can configure the workstation to automatically display area search results each time a look up is executed by indicating an Auto Area Search.




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