



Click the Search button on the Index window to generate a list of Features matching a search criteria that the user defines.


To Search the Index:

Open the Index window by clicking the  button.

Select the layer to search from the list on the left.

Click the Search button and a window like the one below will appear.

Click in the field to search on and type the text or partial text to search for.

Users can enter text in multiple fields for a more refined search. See Search Syntax rules below.

Click the Search button.

All Features matching the criteria will be displayed in the Search Results window. From here, users can view the individual records, locate them on the map, or edit the contents of the list. See the Search Results topic for further instructions.




Search Syntax:

Enter a number or text by itself to search for any features that contain that text (no asterisks are needed).

o For example: "hill" would find Hill, Hilliard, or Barnhill

Include an equals sign ( = ) before the text to search for only exact matches on that field

oFor example: "=hill" would not find Hilliard or Barnhill

oEntering "=" with no other value will find all blank fields

Include a greater-than ( > ) or less-than ( < ) sign or (>= or <=) before a number to search for a ranges of values

oFor example: ">=100" would find any value greater than or equal to 100

oUsing "<>" with no other value will find all features on the layer that have this field populated with any value, except for blank fields

Use the ( and ) keyword to search for a more specific range of values

oFor example: ">5 and <10" would find any values between 5 and 10 not including 5 or 10



See Search Results 

Users can combine geographic searches with text searches by refining the search results.

Launch the search window for a specific layer from a custom menu button or function key.




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