Delete Dangling Polylines

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Use this tool, located on Tools Menu > Show Map Editing Tools > Advanced Tools > Cleanup and Conversion Tools, to delete large amounts of short dead-ended polylines also known as danglers or "fuzz". This type of geometry is often the result of a raster to vector conversion.


To Delete or Identify Dangling Polylines:

1) If users haven't done so already, run the Break Polylines tool to assure that all polyline intersections occur on a polyline endpoint.

2) Select this tool from the Cleanup and Conversion Tool menu.

3) Select a layer to work with. This will be the only layer that gets affected.

4) Use the cursor to drag a rectangle around the area that is to be de-dangled. To work on the entire layer at once draw the rectangle around the entire map.

5) All dangling polylines in this area on this layer will be highlighted and users will be prompted to continue or specify a maximum length. If specifying a maximum length then the selection will change to highlight only those polylines shorter than the distance specified.

6) To identify the danglers, press cancel at this point and the selection will remain highlighted after exiting the tool.



Tool use instructions will also appear in the footer of the Think GIS window in the Instructional Bar.


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