Address Log |
With this option checked, Think GIS will maintain a log of any addresses that it could not find. Also included in the list is any addresses that Think GIS had to approximated between two other address points. This information is logged to a comma delimited file named "addresslog.txt".
The first field in each record indicates the reason for the entry. It can be one of the following:
NOSTREET No street name was given
NOHOUSE# No house number was given
NOTFND For whatever reason this address could not be found.
NOCONFID A most likely address was found but Think GIS did not have enough confidence in it due to other potentially correct addresses.
APPROXED Think GIS successfully approximated the location of this address between two other address points.
This information is intended to assist an administrator in determining where addresses may need added to or changed on the map.
For more detailed assistance in determining exactly why an address could not be found hold down the Shift key while looking up an address and additional trouble shooting information will be written to the session.log file. Contact customer support for assistance in interpreting this log.
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