Feature Links




The Feature Links window is where links to other documents or external applications can be set up. Users can access this window by specifying a Current Feature and clicking the  button on the edit tool bar.  Or by clicking the click the  button, on the Feature Form, to display the Feature Tools menu, then select Add/Remove Links. The links will appear as hyperlinks on the Feature Form anytime the user clicks a Feature on the map.  Users may link to local files or create an Amazon Web Services (AWS) link.




Used to create new links.  The window below appears to choose between creating a Local or Web link.  To learn more click the link(s) below.



Feature Link (Local): This option will link to a file on either the housing machine, local server, or another machine within the user's network.

AWS Feature Link (Web): This option will link to a file that will be accessible via Internet to anyone using the map, even if they are outside of the local network.


Modify previously created link.  See Feature Link (Local) or AWS Feature Link (Web) for more information on options for each type.


Used to remove a link from the feature.  The Delete function works the same for both Local and Web (AWS) links.  Note:  There is no verification window for this tool, so be certain that the correct link name is selected.

Move Up/Down

Used to rearrange the order of the links.  More info on Move Up/Down.

Link List

This table lists the description of any links that have already been added to this Feature. Use the Add, Change, or Delete buttons to modify this list.  Links in the Link List will be either local or web based. Local links are indicated with a "!" and web links will be indicated with a "$."


Example of how links (blue underlined text) appear on Feature Form.





A Feature can have up to 20 links attached to it.

The Link Examples page provides samples of link paths.

Links in the Link List will be either local or web based. Local links are indicated with a "!" and web links will be indicated with a "$."

Things to understand when creating links are listed in the Relative Paths and Path Variables section.

See also Custom Form Layout for another method of adding additional links.

See also Global Links column in Layer Settings.




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