Find Vehicle




Note: The new Search Box located on the main Think GIS toolbar can be used to locate vehicles making this older Find Vehicle screen somewhat obsolete.


This menu item is displayed when Automatic Vehicle Locating (AVL) is enabled on the AVL Setup screen. Use this tool to locate a specific vehicle.


To locate a vehicle:

1) Select this tool from the Lookup menu.

2) Select a vehicle ID from the list and click OK.




3) The map will center on the located vehicle and display vehicle details in the Information Window.




If a vehicle is not on the list then it is currently not being tracked by the AVL system. Possible reasons include:

Vehicle is turned off (along with all systems on the vehicle).

GPS system is turned off in vehicle.

Poor GPS coverage (tree cover, in garage, etc.).

Vehicle's ID is being incorrectly reported. See setup on AVL Server (separate program).


If no list is displayed, the AVL may not be properly setup on this workstation. Users can also browse a list of units using the browse button on the AVL setup screen.




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