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What's new in Think GIS version 4.44

Think GIS now defaults to a web-hosted help file.  If the map doesn't normally have Internet connectivity, contact support to get a local copy installed.

Think GIS can now import and display ECW files in the latest v3 format.

Trace Out Polyline Connectivity defaults changed to improve visibility.  New default is yellow polyline with a width of 5px.

The Freehand Graphic Tool in the Print Preview window now has a default of 0.5 inches in width.

Added an Apply .tml Layer Settings button to update the layer to use the layer owner defined settings.

Feature Links now have the option to be created, or converted, to AWS Web Links.  When adding links the user can choose between Local and Web based.  Or existing local links may be converted to web links.  Local links are indicated with a "!" and web links are indicated with a "$" in both the Index and Feature Form Link List.

Move Up and Move Down buttons added to rearrange Feature Links.

The Feature Links form has been simplified.  All management has been consolidated into the Run Script box.

Feature Links will now show on Modify Form Layout window. A bug was fixed that caused the top field to jump down when modified in the Modify Form Layout window. All fields will automatically adjust when fields are added to avoid overlapping in the Feature Form.

Previously, Global Links would display as active regardless of whether a field used in a variable is populated or not.  Now, if the field is not populated, the link will be greyed out.

Previously, newly added fields to an existing layer could be difficult to locate on the Feature Form, Modify Form Layout, and in the Info Window. Now, newly added fields will display at the bottom of these forms. If there are tabs on the layer form, the field(s) will display at the bottom of the first tab.

Previously, changing field order in the layer format would not automatically change the order in the Info Window displaying the selected feature. Now, the Info Window will adjust as the Layer Format is saved.

The command ShowAutoAreaResults has been added. This command can be run from a button on the toolbar, by left-clicking on the button and then left-clicking on the map. The user will be able to display the auto area search results like they are normally shown on the left-hand side after a search.

A new Check for Web Library match has been added to the classification setup. This tool will use the contents of the classified field to attempt to find a matching file name within the Web Library.

Preferred Communities now allow users to check multiple boxes next to the desired communities allowing multiple communities to be added at once.



What's new in Think GIS version 4.42 (Release - August, 2023)

New NG911 Address Wizard is designed to work with address points formatted for Next Generation 911 (NG911). Use this tool to automate the process of determining the NG911 address for a new structure and placing the new address point on the map.

Previously when using the Place Raster Image Button, the file name could not exceed 11 characters. Now the total path, including the file name, may be up to 127 characters long.

Think GIS now has the ability to assign GUIDs (Globally Unique Identifiers) at the feature level as well as the layer level. These identifiers aid in managing and sharing data by ensuring the referenced data is uniquely identified.

To allow access to data outside of Think GIS, any layer that has a field type that is not natively saved in the .tml will now have a corresponding .xml written to the same file location as the .tml when either unlocking the layer or exiting the map, if changes are saved.

The size of Layer Format form has been expanded to accommodate the Layer GUID display and fields have been expanded to show more info where possible.


What's new in Think GIS version 4.40 (Release - March, 2022)

New Pick List Input Method setup and diagnostic options:

oAllow users to automatically populate list with values already in a field in an existing layer using the Rebuild Pick List function.

oPick List (Advanced) option may be used to improve the data quality by allowing fields to only contain values from the Pick List.

oExport Comparison Report gives users ability to export a text report detailing all values listed in Rebuild Pick List for further review.

oUse First Value allows users to make a field automatically populate new features with the first value in a pick list.

oFeature Classification now has the option to use all values in a Pick List, even if they are not yet used in a map feature.

Concatenate Field Type: This feature allows users to combine the contents of other fields into one. EX., In an address layer it would be possible to combine the House, Dir, Street, and Community fields into one field as the full address.

Index feature columns may be sorted by clicking on the field name at the top. One click will order a column from A-Z/Low-to-High, clicking again will order it from Z-A/High-to-Low.

The first feature column in the Index with no field name at the top may contain data. Clicking at the top of this column will sort by that data, if it exists in the layer.

o!=Feature contains Feature Link(s).

o*=Feature does not have an entity on the map.

A Cancel option is now available when a reprojection notice appears while adding an existing layer to the map.

If setting a field value in the More section in Search Results, fields containing a pick list will have them available in a pull down menu.

Field Type setup windows may now be resized.

When adding a new feature that has required fields, those fields will be noted by having the field name shown in bold print and also have an asterisk to the right of the field name.

The new ExportInfoWindowText Command Line will export GIS data displayed in the Info Window to a text file in a specified location. This function may be used to immediately provide currently viewed GIS data to third-party software via the generated text file.

Think GIS now has the capability to view OGC WMS layer sources that are available in the same state plane coordinate system as the customer map.


What's new in Think GIS version 4.38 (Release - April, 2021)

Many configuration windows may now be resized by users to display all content:

oSearch Suggestions Formats

oLabel Format Setup

oClassification Windows

oFeature Form Links

oGlobal Links

Layers may now be searched for by name in:

oLayer Settings


oLocking Layers for Editing

oAll "Export to" options in Tools > Import/Export

Features in categorized layers will now display the category name in parentheses in the Feature Form.

The View as Text tool in the Information Window now has an easier to read format.

Curly Brackets { } may now be used in the Label Format and Long Label Format to display descriptive text only when the field enclosed with it contains data.

A No Fill option is now available when classifying by Fill.

Columns in the Layer Settings window may now be expanded by using the cursor to drag them wider.

Northing and Easting fields may now be used to plot points in the Import from Text File tool.

Export to Excel options now include CSV selection under file type for large datasets.

All Auto Area Search options now allow info window display colors to be defined.

Auto Area Search setup has new ordering options making it easier to change display order in the Information Window.

Multiple Legends may now be added to printed maps.

Map Legend size and font sizes are now configurable in Map Settings.

Current Layer list will now only show locked layers.

Transmission towers may now be added when manually designating land use to create a 0.125 acre exception.

oThis may also be set as a Run Command as noted in the List of Commands as DrawTower.

Commands may now be sent to Think GIS via TCP.


Older Versions


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