Classification Setup Window

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After classifying a layer in the Layer Settings, you can access the Value or Range Classification Setup window by clicking on the Feature/Symbol List.


Unique Value


Add Row

Adds a new blank row with a standard-sized square symbol by default.

Delete Row

Click on a cell in the row to be deleted, then click Delete Row to remove it.

Feature List and Symbol

Click on the left column to update the text used for layer classification. Click on the right column to update the symbol for the specified feature.

Check for Web Library match

This tool will use the contents of the classified field to attempt to find a matching file name within the Web Library. If features matching the Web Library are found, it will replace user-selected symbols.




Add Row

Adds a new blank row with a standard-sized square symbol by default.

Delete Row

Click on a cell in the row to be deleted, then click Delete Row to remove it.


Each range will have a start and end value.  The above example works for whole numbers; changing the end value to 499.9 would cover 499-499.9 if the feature values are not whole numbers.


Click the symbol in the right column to update the symbol for the specified range.



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