Place Raster Image Button |
Use this button to place a raster image on the map such as a scanned map or digital picture. Images are commonly placed with this tool so that they can be vectorized. This is the process of drawing polylines to represent the features visible in the image. To place world referenced ortho photography images see Import Images.
To place an image on the map
1) Use the New Ftr button to create a new feature using the file name of the image in the record's first field. Or if the feature already exists simply select it as the Current Feature. See DataDirectory note below.
2) Click the button on the Editing Toolbar (or Ctrl-Shift-Q).
3) To control the scale at which the image is displayed, specify how big the image will be on the map display. To manually size the image just accept the default value here and continue to the next step.
4) A box will next be displayed representing the shape of the image at the scale specified in the step above. Use the mouse to position the box where the image is to be displayed.
5) Before placing the image, use the PgUp/PgDn keys to change the size of the image. Click the left mouse button to place the image on the map.
Quick Reference:
Left Click Place Image
Right Click Abort
PgUp Increase image size
PgDn Decrease image size
Ctrl-S Highlight vertexes and keep them on
Scroll Wheel same as PgUp / PgDn
•The total path length to the file, including the file name, may be up to 127 characters.
•Think GIS supports the following types of images:
oMrSid images (Generation 2 & 3)
oTIFF images (including tiled tiff's)
oUncompressed 256 color BMP images
oUncompressed black/white BMP images
oJPEG2000 images
oJPEG images
•Use Import Images to place MrSid images on the map. MrSid's cannot be manually placed using the Place Raster Image button.
•When a full path name is not specified, Image file names are assumed to be in the directory indicated by the layer's Data Directory property. By default the Data Directory is the same directory where the map file is stored.
•The file name of the image must be recorded in the first field of the feature record.
•To change the placement or size of an image after it has been placed or to rotate and or rubber sheet it use the Move Entity Button
•See also Import Images.
•Tool use instructions will also appear in the footer of the Think GIS window in the Instructional Bar.
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