Build Areas around Labels |
Use this tool, located on Tools Menu > Show Map Editing Tools > Advanced Tools > Cleanup and Conversion Tools, to run a batch process to automatically create area entities from existing polylines based on existing label points identifying the interior of each desired area. This tool is typically used after importing CAD drawings that do not have any data associated with the line work.
To build areas around labels
1) All labels and line work must be on the same layer. See note below for tools to use to get these entities on the same layer if not already.
2) Run the breaking routine on this layer to assure that all polylines start and end at common points.
3) Select this menu item from the menu.
4) Select the layer containing the labels and polylines.
5) Use the selection cursor to draw a selection window. To run this process on the entire layer draw a window around the entire map.
6) To see the resulting areas a fill color may be assigned to this layer.
•The resulting area entity is assigned to the same feature as the label.
•If multiple labels exist in the same region an area will only be created for one of them. Users can adopt the other labels into the same feature using the combine symbols & labels within area tool.
•The original polylines are left unchanged during this process. To delete the polylines under the new area entities use the delete entity tool with the selection filter set to polylines only.
•To get all the entities on the same layer (see step 1) use Rename Ent, Copy Ent, Copy all Features on Current Layer, or Select Entities and Move to Another Layer.
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