Draw Symbol Button

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To place a symbol on the map

1) Specify a Current Layer and Current Feature on the edit tool bar that this symbol entity will belong to. If necessary, first use the New Ftr button to create the feature to be drawn.


2) Click the  button on the Editing Toolbar (or Ctrl-Shift-I).

3) Using the mouse, move the cross hairs to the location to place the symbol.

4) If necessary, use the arrow keys to rotate the symbol. The arrow embedded in the cross hairs indicates the top side of the symbol.

5) Click the left mouse button to place the symbol on the map.

6) Click the right mouse button (or Esc key) to finish out of symbol drawing mode or continue to place additional symbols representing this same feature (not common).


Quick Reference:

Left Click Place symbol

Right Click Cancel

Middle Click Update current feature.

S Highlight vertexes

Ctrl-S Highlight vertexes and keep them on

Shift Hold down to disable snaps

Up Rotate symbol +1 deg

Down Rotate symbol -1 deg

Left Rotate symbol +22.5 deg

Right Rotate symbol -22.5 deg



Use any of the magnifying glass buttons to zoom in, zoom out, and pan while in the process of drawing. To do all your drawing at a consistent viewing scale, use the Fixed Zoom button on the edit tool bar.



Snaps are drawing aids that assist in lining up the symbol point with existing points on the map. See Snaps for more information.



A different symbol can be assigned to each layer. By default, all symbols on any given layer look the same. To change the type of symbol for this layer see Symbol Type on the layer settings window.

Only the insertion point and rotation angle of the symbol is stored in the layer file. The type of symbol drawn at that point is stored in the Map file (.tgm) so that different users can view the same points differently.

See also New Ftr + Symbol drawing wizard to automate high volume data entry.

Tool use instructions will also appear in the footer of the Think GIS window in the Instructional Bar.


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