Import From GPS device |
Use this command, located on the Tools Menu > Import/Export Menu, to import a set of way points and/or track log collected with the GPS receiver. This type of import currently only supports receivers that support the Garmin Protocol. See also Import from GPX file.
To import GPS data:
1)Connect the Garmin GPS receiver to an available serial port or USB port.
2)Using the menu on the GPS receiver set the interface mode to Garmin Host mode.
3)From the Think GIS main menu select Tools - Import/Export - Import From GPS device - Garmin
4)Specify the port that the GPS receiver connected to. If unsure of the port, try COM1.
5)Check the Import Track Log box to import a chain of line segments showing where units have been recently. If so, type the feature name to assign to this track. Other options are:
oLines only: Imports polylines only
oLines+Time Stamp: places a time stamp on the track log at one minute intervals. This information helps to determine when a unit was at any point along the path.
oLines + Date Stamp: Places a date stamp at 1 minute intervals along path. Dates are important when importing several days worth of data.
oLines + Date and Time Stamp: Places a date and time stamp at 1 minute intervals along path.
6)Check the Import Way points box to import specific points that marked with the GPS.
7)Specify an input method.
oAdd to an existing Layer: Select this option to import the GPS data into a layer that already exists on the map combining it with anything that already exists on that layer. Users will next be prompted to select a layer.
oOverwrite an existing Layer: Same as above only the layer will first be erased before importing.
oCreate a new Layer: Select this option to create a new Layer for this GPS data. Users will next be prompted to type a descriptive name for the new layer.
8)If everything is setup correctly, Think GIS will immediately start importing as indicated by the counter in the lower left corner of the screen. If any error messages are displayed or if it times out try the process again specifying a different serial port.
•Trouble Shooting suggestions: To determine what serial ports are available on the computer. See "ports" section of the Windows device manager.
•See Export To GPS device to put waypoints and track log into the GPS unit.
•See also GPS Setup for information about interfacing with the GPS receiver in real time.
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