Display Feature Statistics

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The Feature Statistics window calculates and displays the total length and area of a Feature. Total length is calculated as the sum of the length of all polyline Entities and the perimeter of all area Entities belonging to this Feature. Total area is simply the sum of the area of all area entities belonging to this Feature. Each total is redundantly displayed using different units.


Shown below is an example of the Feature statistics window.





To see a listing of Feature Statistics for all Features on a layer click Print List on the Index window.

For quicker access to these numbers, format any layer with a Calculated Length field or a Calculated Area field. As a result the length and/or area is automatically calculated and displayed directly on the Feature Form with all the other fields. Calculated fields also show up in the Feature List of the Map's Index as an additional column just like any other field. See Layer Format for more information on setting up calculated fields.


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