Veh ID

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Veh ID

This column displays the descriptive name permanently associated with this GPS device. If a GPS device is permanently mounted to a certain vehicle then this ID should describe the vehicle. If a laptop based GPS device is used in a scenario where the laptop can be moved from car to car then this ID should describe the laptop. By default the Veh Id value is used to label the unit on the map displays.  To temporarily override this label see the Label column. Labels carry a 37 character limit.


Any Veh ID that is preceded with an exclamation point (!) will be hidden from displaying on Think GIS, but only if the Label column is not used, as well. If the Label column is used, then the exclamation point (!) must be used there to hide the unit.


Any Vehicle ID's proceeded by a 2 digit number and colon are units relayed from another AVL Server. The Relayed input, as setup on the AVL Administrator's Input tab, allows configuring this AVL Server to receive a copy of all unit activity monitored by other AVL Services such as neighboring agencies.


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