Import |
Use the import button to import other symbols into this library.
Note: The local symbol library files (those browsable on this symbol library screen) are only capable of storing vector based symbols and small raster based symbols. Larger, more color rich raster symbols are available by browsing WTH's web library directly. Users can do this by selecting "Browse Web Library" directly from the symbol selection panel of the Layer Settings screen.
Importing from another symbol library:
If the library file contains symbols that are identical with ones that already exist, users will be prompted as to whether or not the duplicate ones should be imported.
Importing bitmaps
The bitmap limitations described below are limitations of the symbol library files. Larger bitmaps can be imported directly into the layer settings from file or from the WTH Web library. See the symbol selection panel of the Layer Settings screen for these options.
Bitmaps must be 16 colors and up to 32 pixels wide X 28 pixels tall. Or black and white bitmaps can be imported with sizes up to 64X56. If a bitmap exceeds any of these dimensions it will be automatically scaled down. However, crisper bitmaps are achieved when the original image is drawn no larger than these dimensions.
The color of the lower left hand corner pixel is considered to be a bitmap's transparent color. For a color bitmap, any pixels matching this color will be drawn transparently allowing users to give the bitmaps shapes other than rectangles. Black and white bitmaps work almost the same way except that transparency is limited only to the pixels near the outer edges. For example, a stop sign bitmap having a black border and white interior and white pixels making up the balance of the rectangle will be drawn with only the outer white pixels drawn transparently. Any white pixels inside the black border will be drawn white.
When importing a bitmap, users will be prompted as to how the bitmap is to be sized on the map. There are two choices:
Sized to Screen: bitmaps are always drawn in their actual size, pixel for pixel, regardless of how far the map is zoomed in or out.
Sized to World: bitmaps are always drawn at a certain height measured in feet. This means as users zoom in, the image will appear bigger on the screen while maintaining the same world height. When choosing this option, users will be prompted for a height.
Users can import the same bitmap more than once using different sizing options for each.
Importing symbols from the map:
Use this option to make a symbol out of something already drawn on the map. The set of lines, areas, and/or labels that are imported must all be part of the same Feature. Users will be prompted to select the Feature from the Index. Symbol geometry can consist of up to about 230 points.
When importing a Feature from the map, users will have to select a scaling option:
Keep same world size: A world sized symbol will be created from this feature using the feature's existing size. Symbols cannot exceed about 200 ft in width or height.
Convert to screen sized: A screen sized symbol will be created from this feature. Users will be prompted to specify the desired screen width (pixels) of the resulting symbol.
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