Playback Module

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This is the end result of using the Playback tool, found on the History Tab, The AVL Playback module allows the user to view past vehicle activities.




Time Code

Displays the day and time that coincide with the locations of the vehicles on the map.


Stops the playback while leaving the unit locations on the map.


Begins the playback.


Moves the playback forward one second at a time.

Chg Time

This will initiate the date/time and vehicle selection configuration windows.


Closes the playback module.


This will define how quickly the playback runs. The default is 5, meaning that the playback will skip ahead to every five second start.

AVL/Event Playback

While in Playback mode, Think GIS will indicate that it is not live data by displaying this notification.

Connection Status Indicator

Another indicator that Think GIS is displaying data in Playback mode is that the AVL connection status will display as blue.


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