Land Use

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Select the layer(s) that contain the land use areas on this map.


The first field of any land use feature must start with a number. This number can be anything, but some of the more specialized soil reports only recognize certain numbers. The following shows what special codes (if any) are required for each of the report formats:


The Indiana soil report recognizes (see IN short, IN long)

1,11,12,13,14=commercial/industrial land

2,21,22,23,24,25=classified land





7,71,72,73=other farmland

8,81,82,83=ag support


anything else will not be included in report


The Illinois soil report recognizes


2=cropland - indicate percent flooded using a decimal. For example, if an area is considered 25% flooded then use land use code "2.25"

3=permanent pasture

4=other farmland

5=contributory wasteland

6=dedicated roads

7=non-contributory wasteland

8=forestry management

90-99=custom land use. The land use feature name must use the following format:

NN Name EAV=Value


NN is any number from 90 to 99

Name is the name that will show up on soil report

Value is the dollar value per acre to be assigned to all land of this type regardless of soil type.


"91 Sod Farm EAV=225"


CSV batch report format:

Any land use codes can be used


Cidnet batch report format:

Any land use codes can be used as long as the cidnet software recognizes them. In the past we have used same codes as Illinois codes listed above.


Devnet batch report format:

Any land use codes can be used. A [Devnet Codes] section in the soil layer's advanced layer settings is used to convert the codes we use in our land use layer to the codes required by devnet. This section contains one entry for each land use type used by the land use layer. Each entry is formatted as "M=D" where M is the land use code used on the map and D is the corresponding land use code used by devnet.

Devnet customers in Illinois should build their land use layer using the codes required by the Illinois report so that they can run either the Illinois report format or the devnet report


BBAM batch report format:

Any land use codes can be used as long as the BBAM software recognizes them.


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