Draw Perpendicular Offset




This tool, located on Tools Menu > Show Map Editing Tools > Advanced Tools > Production Tools, automates the process of drawing a line segment that extends a given distance from and perpendicular to an existing line on the map.


How to use this tool

1) Select "Draw Perpendicular Offset" from the  menu.

2) If this is the first time running this tool since starting Think GIS, setup configuration is required. See Setup instructions further below. Otherwise, a setup summary is displayed and users will be asked to make any changes before continuing.

3) Select any point (P1) along an existing polyline.

4) Click (P2) on either side of the polyline indicating which side the perpendicular line should extend towards.

5) Enter the distance in feet of the perpendicular line.

6) Repeat from step 3 or press Esc.


Setup (referred to in step 2 above)

A) Select the layer that the perpendicular line will added to. A new feature will be created on this layer for each line and named according to the offset distance. Only layers that are currently locked for editing are shown here.

B) Specify the text height of the labels that should be placed. Labels are placed in the center of the line segment. Enter "0" to not draw a label. (WTH advises this.)



Tool use instructions will also appear in the footer of the Think GIS window in the Instructional Bar.




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