Export to Shapefile

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Use this command, located on the Tools Menu > Import/Export Menu, to export the contents of a layer to ESRI Shapefiles.


To export shapefiles:

1)From the main menu select Tools - Import/Export - Export to Shapefile

2)Select one or more layers to export.

3)Do you want to use the current projection?

oYes: This is the common answer which simply exports the data to the same coordinate system used by the current map.

oNo: If No, users will be prompted for a destination coordinate system and the data will be reprojected as it is exported.

4)Users will be prompted for the location of the .shp file for each layer selected. The other files making up each set (.dbf, .shx, .prj) will be created in the same directory.



Some data may be truncated. See SHP file description.

A different set of shapefiles will be created for each geometry type contained in the layer. For example, if the Address layer contains symbols, polylines, and labels then three sets of shapefiles will be created; Address_point.shp, Address_pline.shp, and Address_text.shp.

This routine automatically runs the Cleanup Area Geometry tool on the layer before it is exported.

The layer list may be searched for a specific layer.

Layers may be searched for by name in the Select Layers to Export window.


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