



If more space is needed to organize the feature form, this can be done by creating tabs. To create or manage tabs right click on the form editor screen and select "Tabs" from the menu.


New tab

Click here to add an additional tab to the form.


Rename tab

Click here to change the name of the currently selected tab.


Delete tab

Click here to delete the currently selected tab. If the current tab has any fields or other elements on it, those will need to be either deleted or move them to another tab before the tab may be deleted.


Move tab left

Click here to change the order of the tabs. This shifts the current tab left one slot.


Move tab right

Click here to change the order of the tabs. This shifts the current tab right one slot.


Move selection to different tab

To move elements from one tab to another, first select the elements to move (use the shift key to select multiple elements) and then click here. Users will be prompted to select the tab name to move the selected elements to.




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