Software Updates




Click on the interactive image below for more information.




Admin Version

This window shows the software version of the AVL Administrator software.

Update Admin Software

Click this link to check for and download a newer version of AVL Administrator if available.

Server Version

This window shows the software version of the AVL Service currently connected.

Update Server Software

This option should be reserved for the System Administrator who will coordinate updates with all users. If the AVL Service has updates, often times there are corresponding AVL Administrator updates or Think GIS updates that may need coordinated and applied at the same time to utilize new features. (Note that this link will be grayed out unless the "Allow user to update AVL Service" permission is set under the User Configuration.) When “Update Server Software” is selected, if there are pending updates, this message will display:




As the updates are being run, this window will pop up to advise the user as such:





When updates are available, it will be indicated at the top of the AVL Administrator






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