Report Bad Address Ranges

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Use this tool, located on Tools Menu > Show Map Editing Tools > Advanced Tools > Reporting, to check an address range layer for errors. This tool will report any address range features where any of the following are true:

Have no polyline entities

Have more than 1 polyline entities

Travel in a direction different than direction field indicates

Do not conform to specified Odd/Even rules

Disconnected polylines that have adjacent house numbering

House number gap between consecutive ranges.


To Report Bad Address Ranges

1) Select this tool from the Report menu.

2) Select which of the above checks to perform.

3) Next users will be asked four questions to determine the Odd/Even rules for addressing on this map.

A) The first question asks if odd numbered addresses are on the right or left "when numbers increase towards the North". That is to say, when traveling north on a north/south road and moving AWAY FROM the addressing base line, which side of the road should the odd numbered houses be?

B) ...When numbers increase towards the South?

C) ...When numbers increase towards the East?

D) ...When numbers increase towards the West?

4) The ranges are then processed and the failed records are reported in a search results screen similar to the one shown below.



This routine geography determines the general direction of a road by drawing a straight line between the two extreme ends of the road. Anything within +/- 45deg of being perfectly east-west will be considered an east-west road. And similarly anything else is considered north-south. Therefore this routine will not work well on road networks the predominantly run on a grid oriented near 45 degrees.

If different areas of the map have different odd/even rules, such as cities within a county, then users will need to either separate those address ranges out into their own layer to be ran separately or just ignore the results for those areas and then run the report again using the different rules.


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