Compare Values of two Fields

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Use this tool, located on Tools Menu > Show Map Editing Tools > Advanced Tools > Cleanup and Conversion Tools, to compare all the values in a certain field of every feature in a layer against all the values in another field. The two fields can be in the same layer or in different layers.


To compare field values

1) Select this menu item from the  menu.

2) Answer Yes to continue.

3) Select the first layer to be used in the comparison

4) Select a field from this first layer

5) Select a second layer to be used in the comparison. This may be the same layer as the first one if comparing two fields within the same layer.

6) Select a field from the second layer.

7) The results window displays a list of every feature in field 1 that is not in field 2.



To see a list of features in field 2 that are not in field 1 run the comparison again selecting the layers/fields in reverse order.

Features are formatted in the text file results according to the long label format setup for this layer.


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