Search and Replace Feature Text




Use this tool, located on Tools Menu > Show Map Editing Tools > Advanced Tools > Feature Management Tools, to perform a search and replace on the text in a specified field for all features on a layer.


To search and replace text

1) Select this menu item from the  menu.

2) Select a layer to search from the list of layers.

3) Select a field to search from the list of fields in this layer.

4) Type the text to search for. This can be the exact value of the entire field or a partial value. Click OK.

5) Type the text to use to replace any text matching the search text.

6) Does search text have to match entire field? Answer yes to limit the search to fields that exactly match the search text typed in step 4. Answer no if searching for and replacing a portion of the field.

7) A popup message will show how many features were modified.



Partial search and replaces ARE case sensitive where entire field matches are not.


Example 1:

(quotes are used below for documentation purpose only. Do not include them in search)

Search text: "Franklin Parkway"

Replace text: "State Rd 105"

Match entire field?: YES


"Franklin Parkway" changes to "State Rd 105"

"FRANKLIN PARKWAY" changes to "State Rd 105"

"Franklin Parkway East" does not change


Example 2:

(quotes are used below for documentation purpose only. Do not include them in search)

Search text: " Road"

Replace text: " Rd"

Match entire field?: NO


"River Road" changes to "River Rd"

"RIVER ROAD" does not change

"River Road North" changes to "River Rd North"




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