Export to DXF File

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Use this command, located on the Tools Menu > Import/Export Menu, to export the contents of a layer to an AutoCad DXF file.


To export mif/mid files:

1) From the main menu select Tools - Import/Export - Export to DXF File

2) Select one or more layers to export.

3) Specify a coordinate system to export to. If in doubt just select "local coordinates" and all geometry will be projected to a coordinate system who's origin is at the center of the map.

4) Specify the units to be used in the DXF file.

5) Browse for a destination file. The content of all selected layers will be combined into a single DXF file.



The DXF export routine exports entities only. In other words, it only exports the things seen in the map display, not the "behind the scenes" feature data associated with the entities. This is usually sufficient for use in CAD programs, however, the MIF/MID or Shapefile exports are better choices for more comprehensively transporting all of the GIS information contained in the Think GIS layer files.

Layers may be searched for by name in the Select Layers to Export window.


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