Feature List

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The Feature List displays an alphabetical listing of every Feature matching the previous search criteria.


Each row lists all of the information associated with an individual Feature.

The first field is always the primary sort field.

The PgUp, PgDn, Home, End, arrow keys, and mouse scroll wheel can also be used to navigate the list.

A dot in the first column next to a Feature indicates that there are no Entities drawn on the map representing this Feature. And, therefore, will not be locatable on the map.

If the current layer is locked for editing, users can edit the text in the Feature List directly by first pressing the edit button.

To select more than one feature hold down the ctrl key while clicking on other feature rows.

To enlarge the list (more visible rows and columns) drag the lower right corner of the window down and to the right.


Users can also right click anywhere on the list for more editing options.


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