



Use the alignment menu to uniformly align multiple elements of the form. This includes fields, text, buttons, and hyperlinks. First select multiple elements by holding down the shift key while clicking on the elements. Then right click on the form to display the form layout menu and click "Align" then choose one of the following options.


Align left edges

Repositions all selected elements so that their left edges are all aligned.


Align right edges

Repositions all selected elements so that their right edges are all aligned.


Align top edges

Repositions all selected elements so that their top edges are all aligned.


Align bottom edges

Repositions all selected elements so that their bottom edges are all aligned.


Equal horizontal spacing

Repositions all selected elements horizontally such that the space between each element is the same.


Equal vertical spacing

Repositions all selected elements vertically such that the space between each element is the same.




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