Modify |
Right click on any field, button, hyperlink, or text label and select Modify to change attributes such as width, height, etc. The attributes will be different depending on the type of control selected.
Specify the width of the control in screen pixels.
Specify the height of the control in screen pixels. Text fields with field lengths of 40 characters or more will function as multi-line input controls while all other field types will function as single line input controls.
Specify here the text to display for Text labels, buttons, or hyperlinks.
Text Size:
Specify the size of the text.
Specify the Think GIS command to be executed when the user clicks this button or hyperlink. The most common command used here is the Run command. See Link Examples for examples of using the Run command or see Command Line Interface for a complete list of commands. To run multiple commands, type the commands into a text file and then use the RunScript command to execute those commands.
Specify the hint text that gets displayed when the user positions their mouse over this button or hyperlink.
Label Alignment:
By default, the field name is automatically displayed next to each field. Specify the position of this label here.
No label - Do not display the field name. Users can display an altered field name by selecting this option and then adding a text control.
Left of field - Display the field name on the left side of the input box. This is the default alignment
Right of field - Display the field name to the right of the input box.
Above field - Display the field name above the input box (left aligned).
Below field - Display the field name below the input box (left aligned).
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