Synchronize Files




Select Synchronize Files from the File menu to launch the SyncWizard.




This process connects users to WTH's Universal Data Exchange server (UDX) for the purpose of sending and/or receiving map and program updates. Once a workstation is registered with UDX, it can be setup to automatically upload (transfer from the local workstation to UDX) layer files that the workstation is responsible for editing which need transferred to other users. And users can download (transfer from UDX to the local workstation) any updated layer files that other users have edited.



Sync.exe / Sync.bat

By default, the sync.exe program is executed whenever this menu item is selected. To override this action, create a sync.bat file containing instructions that are to be executed in place of sync.exe.



Map Editors are advised to pay close attention to the Upload and Download screens to make sure that any layers they maintain are showing on the Upload screen to avoid data loss.

For more information about getting registered on UDX call WTH at (888) 225-5984.




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